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Since 2019, she has released 6 CDs born from her collaboration with young Japanese artists. All of them promote new original music of Japanese composers or cover songs (especially modern Japanese pop culture : anime, film music, Vocaloid  etc…) and enhance the attractiveness of the soprano saxophone.

1st CD | 2019

1st CD | 2019

音ノ辞書 - Dictionary of Sounds

2nd CD | 2020

2nd CD | 2020

音ノ雨 - Rain of Sounds

3rd CD | 2021

3rd CD | 2021

音ノ銀河 - Galaxy of Sounds

4th CD | 2023

4th CD | 2023

音旅コフレ - Box of a Musical Journey

5th CD | 2024

5th CD | 2024

風紡ぐ音の色 - Shimmering colours floating on the breeze

6th CD  | 2024

6th CD | 2024

Saxo-Famille - サクソファミーユ


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  1st CD 音ノ辞書 | Dictionary of Sounds  


 - ソプラノサクソフォンが唄う四季の変遷 -

1st CD Oto-no-Jisho Sumika Tsujimoto

Soprano Saxophone : Sumika Tsujimoto

Composer : Kashiwa Marumochi

Design : Warm Thanks Design

  1. 片時雨 - Sun Shower

  2. 八重桜 - Double Cherry Blossoms

  3. あの日の小径 - A Walk to Remember

  4. その声の先に - A Voice from Above

  5. 夏の終わり - The End of Summer

  6. 秋晴れ - Fine Autumn Day

  7. 霜と月 - Frost and Moon

  8. 冬紅葉 - Maple Leaves in the Winter

春夏秋冬ー花鳥風月、日本の四季の移ろいを感じる8曲を収録。儚く心に残る旋律で人々を魅了する作曲家かしわ丸餅氏の楽曲を、暖かくも切ないソプラノサクソフォンの音色で歌い上げる。 + 作曲者による楽曲解説

The album features a total of 8 songs, filled with music that is an expression of true Japanese sensitivity. Fleeting yet unforgettable harmonies are sung through the warm, bittersweet timbre of the soprano saxophone, etching themselves into the heart's memory.


品番 TRAD-1031

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1st CD Oto-no-Jisho Score


音ノ辞書全曲集 | Oto-no-jisho Music Score

Soprano Sax & Piano

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  2nd CD 音ノ雨 | Rain of Sounds  


- ソプラノサクソフォンが唄う雨音の調べ -

2nd CD Oto-no-Ame Sumika Tsujimoto


Soprano Saxophone : Sumika Tsujimoto

Composer / Piano : Kentaro Mizutan

Design : WarmThanks Design

  1. 雨空散歩 - Rainy Promenade

  2. 君と絹傘  - Silk Umbrella

  3. 五月雨のワルツ  - Waltz of Early Summer Rain

  4. 小夜時雨 - Night Mist

  5. 夕立 - Sudden Evening Shower

  6. 虹のソナタ - Rainbow Sonata

[Bonus Track] 雨音+ / Rainy + (6 pieces)

ピアニスト・作曲家の水谷健太郎氏が雨をモチーフに書き下ろした6曲を収録。 ボーナストラックとして、曲の背景に本物の雨音のサウンドを加えた「雨音+」版を収録。きっと雨が好きになる、心を洗い流すCD。 + 作曲者による楽曲解説説

The album, composed by Kentaro Mizutani features a total of 6 pieces for Soprano Saxophone and Piano each inspired by rainy scenery.The final track is a compilation of all the previous 6 pieces accompanied by recordings of rainfall. Our hearts will being washed and purified with these fresh and delightful works.

2nd CD Oto-no-Ame Score

音ノ雨全曲集 | Oto-no-Ame Music Score

Soprano Sax & Piano

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  3rd CD 音ノ銀河 | Galaxy of Sounds  



3rd CD Oto-no-Ginga Sumika Tsujimoto

Soprano Saxophone : Sumika Tsujimoto

Composer : Sumika Tsujimoto, Taishi Ogura, Shoichi Asai (arr.)

Design : WarmThanks Design

  1.  流星群前夜 - Night before a meteor swarm

  2.  月夜に霞む - Hazy moonlight at night

  3.  彗星のダンス - Danse of Comets

  4.  旅立ちの夜 - Prelude of departure

  5. St. Patricks Day - Planet of Jade

  6.  新しい街 - Cosmic city

  7.  古の星 -  Ancient sphere

  8.  星降る丘 - Starry hill

音ノシリーズ3作目は、宇宙をテーマに物語を紡ぐ。自身の書き下ろし作品3曲に続き、小倉大志作曲の組曲「星を掴みに出掛けた音楽家たち」を収録。多様な奏法を用いてソプラノサックスの未知なる可能性を探る、革新的なCD。 + 作曲者による楽曲解説

The 3rd CD in the Oto-no Series weaves a story themed around space. Following 3 original compositions of Sumika, it features the suite 'Harvest of Stars Suit' composed by Taishi Ogura. This innovative CD explores the unknown possibilities of the soprano saxophone through various diverse sound and playing techniques.


品番 SUMI-0003

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3rd CD Oto-no-Ginga Score

音ノ銀河曲集 | Oto-no-Ginga Music Score

Soprano Sax & Piano

4th CD Oto-tabi Coffret _ Sumika Tsujimoto.jpg

  4th CD 音旅コフレ | Box of a Musical Journey  

歌うサクソフォン × 彩るピアノ、珠玉のカバーソング集

4th CD Oto-tabi Coffret Sumika Tsujimoto

Soprano Saxophone : Sumika Tsujimoto

Piano & Arrange : Kentaro Mizutani CD / Jacket Design:Kawai Satomi

  1. 彼方の光 / 村松崇継 - Far Away / Takatsugu Muramatsu

  2. 旅風 / 水谷健太郎 - Tabikaze / Kentaro Mizutani

  3. タルトワルツ / 水谷健太郎 - Tarte Waltz / Kentaro Mizutani

  4. 星間飛行 / 菅野よう子 - Seikan Hikou / Yoko Kanno

  5. 千本桜 / 黒うさ - Senbonzakura / Kurousa

  6. トンデモワンダーズ / sasakure.UK - Tondemo-Wonderz  / sasakure.UK

  7. 脳漿炸裂ガール / れるりり - Noushou Sakuretsu Girl/ Rerulili 

  8. 宝島 / 和泉宏隆 - Takarajima / Hirotaka Izumi 

  9. ホタルノヒカリ / スコットランド民謡 - Auld Lang Syne / traditional

  10. [Backing track] 旅風 / 水谷健太郎 - Tabikaze / Kentaro Mizutani

  11. [Backing track] タルトワルツ / 水谷健太郎 - Tarte Waltz / Kentaro Mizutani

音が澄み香るサクソフォニスト・Sumikaと、浮遊感に包まれる作編曲ピアニスト・ものはっぱが2022年~2023年に開催し好評を博したライブシリーズ « Coffret à Musique »のセットリストから9曲を選び、幅広いジャンルの楽曲をオリジナルアレンジで彩る自身初のカバーソング集。

"Oto-tabi Coffret" is Sumika's first cover song collection, featuring 9 songs selected from the setlists of the live series 'Coffret à Musique,' held from 2022 to 2023. This album consists of a variety of Japanese music genres, including classical songs, anime theme songs, Vocaloid songs, and J-fusion compositions. The saxophone sings and the piano colors, weaving a tapestry of exquisite original arrangements.

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品番 SUMI-0004

4th CD Oto-tabi Coffret Score
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  5th CD 風紡ぐ音の色 | Shimmering colours floating on the breeze  


Three instruments sing, resonate and ring, swaying with a melodic breath.


Saxophone, Marimba and Piano weave a tale of the gentle wind

5th CD 風紡ぐ音の色 Sumika Tsujimoto

Soprano Saxophone : Sumika Tsujimoto

Marimba : Daiki Kato Piano : Saori Oki

Design : WarmThanks Design

  1. 雅 Miyabi 〜越天楽の主題による〜 / 辻本 純佳 - "Miyabi" on a theme of Etenraku (Gagaku) / Sumika Tsujimoto

  2. Oriental Wind / 久石 譲 (Joe Hisaishi)

  3. Energy Flow / 坂本 龍一 (Ryuichi Sakamoto)

  4. 春風散歩〜帰路 / 水谷 健太郎 - Strolling in the spring breeze - Homeward bound / Kentaro Mizutani

  5. Summer / 久石 譲 (Joe Hisaishi)

  6. 風に踊る / 加藤 大輝 - Dancing into the Wind / Daiki Kato

  7. 風紋(原典版) / 保科 洋 - Fu-Mon (Wind Ripple) original version / Hiroshi Hoshina


This album features seven compositions by Japanese composers, all centered around the theme of wind. This CD showcases the captivating sounds of saxophone, marimba, and piano, offering a condensed exploration of these instruments' charms. 

+program notes in English

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品番 SUMI-0005

Miyabi / Sumika Tsujimoto Score
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  6th CD Saxo-Famille |サクソファミーユ  


Multi-Track, Multi-Saxophone, "All Sumika !!!!" 

サックス四重奏の革命的CD / An Innovative CD of Sax Quartet

6th CD Saxo-famille Sumika Tsujimoto

Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Baritone Saxophones : Sumika Tsujimoto

Design : WarmThanks Design

  1. 風之舞  / 福田 洋介 - Dancing in the wind - KAZE-NO-MAI - / Yosuke Fukuda

  2. 千と千尋の神隠しメドレー / 久石 譲、木村 弓 - "Spirited Away" Medley / Joe Hisaishi, Yumi Kimura

  3. 生命の奇跡 / 村松 崇継 - Song of Life / Takatsugu Muramatsu

  4. 彗星のダンス / 辻本 純佳・旭井 翔一 - Ballet of Comets / Sumika Tsujimoto & Shoichi Asai 

  5. Summer / 久石 譲 (Joe Hisaishi)

  6. ボレロ / モーリス・ラヴェル - Bolero / Maurice Ravel

  7. 宝島 / 和泉 宏隆 - Takarajima / Hirotaka Izumi 

  8. 宇宙戦艦ヤマト / 宮川 泰 - Space Battleship YAMATO / Hiroshi Miyagawa



Sumika showcases her familly of 4 different saxophones in this unique album, featuring quartet arrangements performed entirely by herself. The repertoire spans a diverse range of genres, including classical music, film music, anime songs, original pieces and J-Fusion. This CD explores new possibilities in ensemble performance through modern multi-track recording techniques. 


品番 SUMI-0006

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彗星のダンス / 辻本 純佳・旭井 翔一

Summer / 久石 譲 (Sumika Tsujimoto編曲)

Bolero / Maurice Ravel (Sumika Tsujimoto編曲)

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Sumika’s 6th CD【Saxo-Famille / サクソファミーユ】多重録音 Saxophone Quartet
Sumika’s 5th CD【風紡ぐ音の色】Saxophone × Marimba × Piano 🌬️ A Collection of Works by Japanese Composers
CD「音旅コフレ」💎 歌うサクソフォン🎷 × 彩るピアノ🎹 珠玉のカバーソング (Sumika / MonoHappa)
#03 CD〔音ノ銀河〕 Oto-no-Ginga - Soprano Sax and Piano
#02 CD [ 音ノ雨 ] Oto-no-Ame / Soprano Sax and Piano
#01 CD【音ノ辞書】Oto-no-jisho / Soprano Sax & Piano

​Music Video

Music Score



1st CD Music Score Collection (Sold Out)



2nd CD Music Score Collection



3rd CD Music Score Collection

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Japanese Saxophonist based in France

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Henri SELMER Paris & BG France Official Artist

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photo : Koki Tsumura

All rights reserved (C) 2025 Sumika Tsujimoto -

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